
Archive for April 5th, 2009

April =)

It’s April~!

Got my early birthday pressie from Shyan!! All the way from Australia!! *though i still feel like whacking him because i told him not to get me anything, just a call from Sydney would do*

Today Shyan’s family took me for lunch at a really nice restaurant. Pre-celebration of my birthday because aunty and uncle going to Japan for a one week holiday tonight. Food was great! Yum yum! *Shyan sure darn jealous in Sydney now –evil smile-, but hey, you get to eat Hanabishi at Melbourne and i don’t, so we’re even =p *

Almost one month on the job! After this week, it’s officially one month. Italian lessons back on track. But the book…. *sigh* i only have time to read before going to bed at night, at most of the time, i’ll start to nod off after one page!! OMG!! how am i suppose to finish the book?!?!? Discipline, Shereen, Discipline.

Mum asked me yesterday when i’ll be going back to Ipoh. Told her i’m not sure yet. I think i might go back during Labour Day that week? Or Mother’s day? Drive back to Ipoh straight after work? or take bus? *confused*

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