
Archive for February, 2009

The Victor

If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t.
If you like to win, but you think you can’t,
It is almost certain you won’t.

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost,
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will–
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you are outclassed, you are.
You’ve got to think high to rise,
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before,
You can ever win a prize.

Life’s battles don’t always go,
To the stronger or faster man;
But sooner or later the man who wins,

~ C. W. Longenecker ~

Another poem i found when reading “Think and Grow Rich“. Have i successfully tempted you to buy the book? I hope I did. Because it’s definitely worth it.

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It’s worth the read.

I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening,
When I counted my scanty store.

For Life is a just employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial’s hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have willing paid


I found this when reading Napoleon Hill’s ” Think and Grow Rich“. It’s worth reading and pondering, isn’t it?

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  • Courageous in meeting challenges
  • Ambitious in enhancing performance
  • Dependable in realizing needs
  • Determined in doing the best
  • Passionate in creating value
  • Enthusiastic in exploring opportunities
  • Far-sighted in planning ahead
  • Focused in achieving goals
  • Innovative in providing options
  • Disciplined in making decisions
  • Professional in managing resources
  • Up-to-date in disseminating information

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Just another day

I’ve been thinking a lot lately.

When you’re home alone most of the time, and the things that you can do at home (without a car to go somewhere) are limited, you start to think. Oh ya. Whatever that pops up in your mind last time, now, or things you never thought of before, all starts to bombard you when you’re ‘rotting’ at home.

Yes. I’ve been reading a lot. So you can say i’m not being that non-productive after all. I read motivational books, I read back all those novels that i bought. I read news online. I read the newspapers. What usually comes after reading?


That’s right. You can’t go on reading some stuff without stopping to think and to understand the underlying meaning of all those words and all those info that you’ve just read. I’m currently reading Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich“, one of the must-read books from my aunt. And i gotta say, now i understand why Anthony Robbins (author of “Awaken the Giant Within“) sees him as one of his mentor. The things that both of them wrote, made me start thinking. Never ever underestimate the power of your own mind. It can direct you to success, it can also direct you straight to destruction. The thoughts that you feed yourself everyday, the emotions that you let yourself feel everyday, very well determine who you are now. And the good news is, YOU ARE THE ONE IN CONTROL OF IT.

I started applying some of the techniques described in those two books. I can tell you, confidently, that it’s working for me. The wonders of motivational book. Some might not believe the power of it. As for me, i read and i apply. I just need to test it out myself on how true it is. Yeah. That’s me. I won’t accept things easily. I need to experience it myself. I guess that explains to my way of evaluating events and friends. And as this goes, I don’t accept defeat easily. I am ready to accept constructive criticism. I will learn to love and respect myself.

Now, whenever i face a problem or challenge, i must ask myself: What’s great about this problem? What can i learn from it? How can i learn from it? How can i overcome it? What’s not perfect yet? I must learn how to appreciate each day of my life and everyone in my life. I must be the one who controls what thoughts i’m feeding to my conscious and subconscious mind. I must learn how to control my emotions (how to use pain and pleasure) and know how to interrupt a negative behaviour or pattern and change my state of mind to a positive one. I must learn how to express my feelings in words that will intensify my positive emotions and decrease in intensity of the negative emotions. I must know that every negative emotion that i’m feeling at the moment, i have the power to change it. I must know that nothing has to happen in order for me to feel good. I must always ask myself quality questions. I must always tell myself, ‘ thoughts are things’, and if back by enduring faith and actions, it will realize. I must tell myself, never ever accept defeat easily as most of the time, defeat/failures are opportunities in disguise.

Notice that i use ‘must’ instead of ‘should’ or ‘will’? ‘Must’ is a powerful word. It means you’re fully committed in doing something and there’s no turning back. You have the unwavering belief and self-confidence that you can achieve it. The actions mentioned above, are those that i’ve committed myself into achieving it. I’m writing this out because I want to be reminded of all these commitments when i’m running off the track. These reminders will get me back on track.  I know it’s not easy to achieve those things above, especially when coming to controlling your thoughts and emotions, but I believe I can achieve it, with the support of my dearest family and friends.

Anthony Robbins – Awaken the Giant Within
Napoleon Hill – Think and Grow Rich

A must-read for everyone who wants to make a change in their life. Many thanks to my aunt for lending me these two great books. These two books are definitely worth the investment. (hinting someone to get me those books as presents =p)

Give me a good book to read and i’m satisfied. ^_^

The longest post from me, so far. I am committed to achieving those actions and your help is most needed in evaluating my progress. Any comment is most welcome. Are you with me or are you not? The choice is yours to make. =)

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