
Emo … Elmo??

Oops..i’ve been MIA for almost 2 months! And here i am, back again, with a heading that’s weird.

Those who know me long enough knows that i get emo here and then. (notwithstanding the monthly thingy). Sometimes it’s just so hard to control.

I’ve always wanted to go back to the good old days when i can discuss almost everything with my cousins (both paternal and maternal). Time went by. Things happen. Circumstances changes. And i could no longer converse at ease with them as it used to be, except for a few selected ones (and mind you, the people on the list is countable using one hand, or maybe less than that).

Sometimes i wonder. Is it because that i can’t let go and forgive them for what they’ve done? Or is it because i don’t try hard enough to make amends and breakthrough my own psychological barrier? Or is it because they are the ones who feel weird to be talking like old times? Or is it because i’ve gave up completely in trying?

Think. think. think. Emo. emo. emo. Solution. solution.solution

I should tell myself that next time when i’m emo, i’ll add one more letter in to make it ‘elmo’! And then i’ll think of elmo’s happy face to cheer myself up. And after that, I’ll need to find a solution for it. Yup, that’s the way it is.

Think. think. think. Emo. emo.opps! Elmo! elmo! Solution. solution. solution.

No longer safe

The streets, are no longer a safe place.

This morning, approximately 7.45am, I received a call from my colleague. And guess what?

She got snatched in front of her own house. Two guys on a motorcycle came from behind and snatched her handbag as she was going down from her car. She’s 6 months pregnant. How atrocious is that??

And thank God she didn’t fell down or got hurt from those blardy muggers. I wished those muggers would rot in hell.

Where were the enforcement officers when we needed them? Why wasn’t this issue addressed although so many snatch cases have been reported? People have died being victims of snatch thieves. You were supposed to protect us citizens. I guess people are selfish after all. You guys just wanna protect your own arse.

Whatever stupid promises that you made during election or whatever that you pledge to do when meeting snatch victims or when you just wanna promote yourself in the media, PLEASE, walk the talk.

I guess, being in this country, it’s kinda hard for you guys to act on your words. In this sad country, MONEY, POWER and STATUS talks. End of story.

I love this country but I’m getting increasingly disappointed or rather, I’m on the verge of giving up on this country.

*feelings vented. thank you.*

Honda City is back!!!!


Finally, I get to drive Honda City after almost one month.

Shyan’s family went to collect the car on Friday. I was in PD for a teambuilding session from Thursday to Saturday.

I drove it just now. Well, need to start adapting back to driving a lighter car. =)

Although the workshop people said they only managed to repair it somewhere between 90%-95% but she looks as good as new to me!! I’m sooooo happy!


I  miss driving Honda City. As at May 18, 2009 6.45am, the Honda City that i drove to work everyday —–> Car Baboom~! (this phrase was from Mi-San describing the situation that i encountered)

Yeah. I got into a car accident. A 6-car bumper-to-bumper car accident to be exact. And yeah. I was squashed in the middle. I was the third car. And let me tell you something, being squashed in the middle by two big cars (honda stream in front and toyota innova at the back) in an accident was not a good sight. You might have guessed, the car bumper was totally a gone case. As for the front part, both sides were ruined. That goes for knocking the road divider on the right and hitting the honda stream on the left when i got bang by the toyota innova from the back. >.<

I panicked. Broke down and cried when i was calling Shyan’s family about it. Felt very bad for practically ‘destroying’ the car and waking everyone up (Shyan’s parents and bro) in the house at 6.45am on a Monday morning. Called Shyan. Cried more. Called dad. Cried even more. Called to my supervisor and manager to tell them i’m taking emergency leave for the day.

First time in my life i got into a car accident and it was that bad. First time i see how a car was being strapped up in a tow truck. First time i went to Serdang’s police station only to be told that i’m supposed to go to the Seri Kembangan station to make the report. First time i went to make a police report where the sergeant patiently explained to me how the accident happened by lining up 6 tiny toy cars on his table, replicating the scene.

The aftermath of this? I had a quite a bad neckache and sore back along the spine for the next two days. Went to work the next day, during lunch i went out to consult the panel doctor and got a half day MC. (thanks to wai yee, mi-san, sherina, mark and sebastian for choosing to go that area for lunch just to drop me in the clinic) Oh ya. i forgot to mention. Now i’m driving a Volvo to work everyday. It’s  tested and proven to be a safe car, famous for the quality of the car structure. I was told by Shyan that he once saw an accident between a Volvo and a bus. The bus got dented and the Volvo escaped the accident without any damage.

I admit i like driving Volvo on the highway but me being me, who has poor parking skills, driving a big car is challenging when it comes to parking and maneuvering the car on the roads in the likes of KL. I miss the Honda City. I hope the factory workers are giving her the appropriate treatment now. I wish her a speedy recovery.

One more month to go before i can see her again. *sigh*

SC’s library

SC’s library … is a heaven to me…=)

All those books in there…. just one word: WOW

I’m gonna fully utilize it as long as i’m in SC.

Just finished reading  ‘Sun Tzu’s Art of War for Traders and Investors’. Revisiting back international finance and my current bedtime reading is ‘The Essential Buffet’. All borrowed from SC’s library.

I’m so in love with SC’s library.

I’m so so so in love with it.

I’m in heaven!! =D

366 Days – HY

My recent addiction. The theme song from ‘Threads of Destiny’.

Such a powerful voice. And such a beautiful song.

Enjoy. =)

Close call

On my way back from work. On the highway.

I nearly had a car accident. So close.

Seriously. A very close call.

I can still hear the car tyres screeching in my mind.

It was my fault though. I was tired mentally. My eyes were tired, getting watery. I noticed the car in front of me slowing down, guess I didn’t hit the brake as fast as i should be. Concentration level was bad.


April =)

It’s April~!

Got my early birthday pressie from Shyan!! All the way from Australia!! *though i still feel like whacking him because i told him not to get me anything, just a call from Sydney would do*

Today Shyan’s family took me for lunch at a really nice restaurant. Pre-celebration of my birthday because aunty and uncle going to Japan for a one week holiday tonight. Food was great! Yum yum! *Shyan sure darn jealous in Sydney now –evil smile-, but hey, you get to eat Hanabishi at Melbourne and i don’t, so we’re even =p *

Almost one month on the job! After this week, it’s officially one month. Italian lessons back on track. But the book…. *sigh* i only have time to read before going to bed at night, at most of the time, i’ll start to nod off after one page!! OMG!! how am i suppose to finish the book?!?!? Discipline, Shereen, Discipline.

Mum asked me yesterday when i’ll be going back to Ipoh. Told her i’m not sure yet. I think i might go back during Labour Day that week? Or Mother’s day? Drive back to Ipoh straight after work? or take bus? *confused*

My first week of work

My first week of work. =)


Lots of readings to do but hey, i like reading so i don’t mind sitting day whole day reading important news and writing reports. I believe that in every job/assignment i’m given, there’s something for me to learn. That goes on with life. My view is that even if the work you’re doing now, it’s not entirely what you REALLY would love to do, you learn something out of everything you do. And you can bet whatever you learn doing what you’re currently doing now, those little bits and pieces will form together to a big picture that could bring you to heights.

In a nutshell, Love and enjoy everything you do, no matter how significant or insignificant it is. Learn to enjoy traffic jam (most of you will think i’m crazy). Learn to love those times when you shower (and can sing your hearts out or just let the water drown away all your worries). Learn to love those precious time spend with your love ones after a hard day’s work. Learn to enjoy working with your colleagues (regardless of whether you like them or not). And so much more! Life would be much happier if you are able to enjoy every bit of it, even those irritating and annoying bits. Take it as a lesson.  There is a purpose for God in putting you through every situation that you encounter in your life. God is hinting to you that there’s something that you need to learn out of it. If you keep avoiding those lessons, God will just put you back into the same situation again and again until you’re finally force to learn it! And then God will let you move on to another situation to learn something new. And again and again. Life is a never-ending series of lesson to be learnt, don’t you agree?

A crazy post from me. =p

Been postponing my Italian learning lessons (stuck at Italian I – Lesson 5) and reading ‘Thick Face Black Heart’ (currently halfway through). This week has been a week of experiments and adjustments. Next week onwards, i must start picking up on those Italian lessons and reading the book.

Have a great week, people! =D

First Day or Work

Today’s my first day at work.

Although i didn’t sleep well last night, i managed to survive the day, starting from the drive from Seremban to Bukit Kiara, eudured almost 9 hours full of reading, then the drive back to Seremban.

How would i rate my first day?

Not bad. Had a briefing from the friendly HR manager before proceeding to do the security pass and then being escorted to the department i’m being attached to for the next 6 months. My job would require extensive reading, analyzing, summarizing and reporting.

Still waiting my PC to arrive so that i can really get started to work. Looking forward to work. And guess what, my driving skills are getting rowdier each day. >.< The after-effects of driving in KL.